Category: AmoLatina visitors

Is actually because they could possibly get; has not yet took place during my situation

Is actually because they could possibly get; has not yet took place during my situation

Not on the average psychologically compliment, even barely working brilliant mature

I will give credit where it’s due, the initial entraining works well if the target is totally unaware of this technology (as I’m sure most Targeted Individuals are initially); it’s capabilities and the methods used by the government (with the caveat that again once the target has knowledge of what’s going on and that they are in fact being targeted by a computer–the ‘gig’ is up–it renders it impotent if the purpose is in fact to get the target to interact with the A.Iputer program)–once that window of opportunity is closed I cannot imagine that it would open again and have yet to see anything from this pogrom that would indicate it CAN be opened once closed. (więcej…)